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Why Choose Us!!!

Affordable Services

 We invoice clients reasonably on the basis of the Advocates Remuneration Order and offer rebates where applicable


Our firm upholds utmost confidentiality and does not disclose our client’s confidential information.

Quality services

We render well researched and honest legal opinions to our clients. We attend to our clients with courtesy, promptness and efficiency.

"At Z.K Yego weare determined to give you the best services. We have well trained and experienced team to give you the best legal service.

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A choice range of legal services

Our firm keeps clients properly and frequently updated. The firm defends our clients zealously and competently within the bounds of the law.

Professional Team

We recruit and maintain highly motivated, dedicated and skilled staff.

Client focussed and affordable

We submit our firm to periodic evaluation and review by our clients

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Get In Touch

Saito Centre, 3rd Floor, Elijah Cheruiyot Street/Oloo Street
P.O. Box 4196-30100


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